The Quantum Healing (QH) approach is based on Einstein's principles and theory of Quantum Physics. This theory states that all elementary particles interact with each other by exchanging energy. Since the beginning of mankind, all cultures and schools of Medicine have considered Energy as the most important part of treatment. These schools include, Ayurveda, Egyptian, Hermetic, Chinese and Spagyric/Paracelsian.
We are vibrational first, emotional second, and our physical body is a reflection of what is happening on these levels. We all know that stress is the underlying cause of all dis-ease. So, what do you perceive as stress? What do you over connect to? Your body, mind and spirit is under constant stress because of exogenous (external) or endogenous (internal) factors. We have control over some stressors, like our food and personal space. But some we don’t, such as the NOW 250,000 chemicals in our environment, water and food supply, not to mention a new culprit - EMF pollution, which has a tremendous affect on our physiology.
I practice B.A.H. (Bioresonance Analysis of Health) and Ayurveda. Both of these disciplines fall under the same category of Quantum Healing and are unlike other forms of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. They are based on the laws of physics and universal truth. This is a non linear and individual view of the 5 systems, which are the Emotional body, Energy Body, Physical body, Spiritual Body and Miasmatic (genetic predisposition) Body, and the interaction and synergy between them all. Everything is connected.
This form of QH requires the reading of the DNA, constitutional type, character type and other forms of palpation and observation in the person's blood and or saliva sample. The testing prioritizes where to start in one’s health journey (emotional, energy, spiritual, miasm or physical). And it is a journey.
In order to properly restore the body, one needs to remove what I refer to as "Static". "Static" prevents intuition and restoration. These functions are essential for supporting the body, mind and spirit (to seek ones higher good), and to master the art of being in tune with Nature. A person who uses BAH/QH works on removing the "Static" and gets to a place of clarity, which allows them to choose what serves them and their souls path. By attaining this ability, they are more likely to discover their divine nature. Furthermore, by synchronizing everyone's systems, the collective can learn to live in the moment and eradicate the continual internal programs and suffering which have been engrained into everyday life.
Once we clear and re-integrate our 5 systems, we can create a more sustainable life style by introducing the Ayurvedic lifestyle. Ayurveda means “Science of Life,” a true medical intuitive art and one of the oldest medical systems in existence. Note, it is important to understand that within the traditional teachings, issues that afflict our modern culture are not addressed. These issues include EMF pollution (cathodic, WiFi, high tension wires etc.), chemicals in our food, water supply and environment, the over prescribing of medications and their side effects, heavy metal burden and geopathies and more recently the COVID scenario. Even though both the Ayurvedic and Quantum Healing systems are based on the same fundamental science, the Quantum Healing protocol addresses the issues of modern life and culture that were not around 5000 years ago and thus are major obstacles to us restoring health and maintaining equanimity. By combining both practices, we can experience the benefit of both systems.
My belief, after over 35 years of clinical work, is that our bodies reflect our emotional over-connection and our spiritual disconnection. These molecules of emotion take hold in the physical body and over time lead the way for disease to physically manifest. We should not avoid treating the physical body, but we should rewire our logical minds to focus on the origin of our physical ailments and not the symptoms, otherwise we will just be treating symptoms continually.
Allopathic Medicine (Traditional American Medicine) focuses on treating and controlling symptoms, that is its role. The system that governs Allopathic Medicine does not allow it to go further than that. Surprisingly enough most Alternative Medical practitioners follow this approach, and I once did when I specialized in Nutritional Biochemistry and Functional Medicine. Granted, alternative modalities use more natural methods and remedies, but the priority for most is to manage the symptoms that trouble us, especially if the physical body is the priority. By addressing the symptoms we can feel better, but most of the time it is short lived because we have not addressed the true underlying cause, which in many cases is multi-dimensional. Arguably, there is a place for symptomatic treatment, especially if the primary symptoms are impeding ones overall sense of well being. Quantum Healing takes it one step further, aiming to restore, not just treat.
Tools such as ACMOS, Brain wave, Violet Ray, NanoVi, Airnergy, Polychromatic lights, Wave Form, NES Human body field scan, Scenar/Tens, PEMF, HRV, Lazor, Complex Homeopathy, Cell Salts, Drainage therapy, Alchemy, Gemmotherapy, Oligotherapy, Phyto-gens, Traditional Ayurvedic formulations, Chinese Herbs, Gem Elixirs, Bach Flower, Canadian Forest tree essences, and more are incorporated into my practice. We also have a large referral network to aid patients/clients to get their needs met no matter where they live.
Welcome to the Journey.
Dr. Linda J. Reynolds
123 Barton Rd.
Stow, MA. 01775
and Cape Cod
The foundations of Isopathic (Biological) Medicine lie in the research of Dr. Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968), who studied the behavior of viruses and bacteria, and published his findings in 1925 in his work "Bacteria Cyclogeny" in Berlin. Dr. Enderlein discovered that microorganisms occur in diverse developmental stages and can undergo variation in form without losing their specific functions. When their environment is changed (temperature, nutrients availability, acid/alkaline balance, stress) microorganisms change from their non-pathogenic, tiny non-mobile, virus-like stage into pathogenic stages of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
Dr. Enderlein used this discovery to develop homeopathic-like remedies to treat stages of disease. They are known as Pleomorphic remedies. In using these homeopathic remedies, a disease process is gradually "unraveled" as the bacteria or fungus is lead back to its non-active, non-pathogenic stage. Largely free of side effects and toxins, this form of healing is one of the most comprehensive and integrative types of alternative medicine. Practiced in Europe, foremost in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, Biological medicine embraces the science of Pleomorphism, Ayurveda, Anthroposophic, homeopathic and Chinese Medicine. Leading to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
All of these modalities fit very nicely with the Ayurvedic Sciences and Philosophy which by some is defined as one of the oldest forms of Quantum Medicine.
Dr. Linda encourages that patients embody a more sustainable way of life throughout treatment. This is where Ayurvedic Medicine comes in. Ayurveda means “Science of Life”, a true Medical Intuitive art and one of the oldest medical systems in existence. The key concept in Ayurveda is that the mind and body are deeply connected, and the medical principles stem from this core belief. Ayurveda encourages us to understand our mind-body constitution to make the best choices for nutrition and lifestyle.
As a science of self-healing, Ayurveda encompasses diet and nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, rest, relaxation, meditation, breathing exercises, and medicinal herbs, along with seasonal cleansing and rejuvenation programs for healing mind, body and spirit. Numerous adjunct therapies such as sound, color, homeopathy, polarity and aromatherapy are also employed. Ayurveda is the oldest healing system in existence, dating back more then 5000 years. In a profound sense, Ayurveda truly is the mother of all healing systems. Originally it had eight principle branches: pediatrics, gynecology/obstetrics, ophthalmology, geriatrics, otolaryngology, toxicology, general medicine and surgery. From these have come the main branches of medicine as it is practiced today, as well as many modern healing modalities, including massage, plastic surgery, polarity therapy, acupressure and acupuncture (Marma therapy), psychiatry, kinesiology, color therapy, gemology, and Ayurveda's sister science, yoga.
Within the traditional teachings of Ayurveda, issues that plague our modern society are not addressed. Some of these current disruptors include EMF pollution (cathodic, wifi, high tension wires), the 11,000 chemicals in our food, water supply and environment, the over prescribing of allopathic medications, and heavy metal burden. This is why other modern medicine practices that address these issues directly, such as Quantum Healing and Biological Medicine, are excellent complements to Ayurveda.
Dr. Linda Reynolds is an internationally known consultant, researcher, lecturer and clinician with over 35 years experience in the area of Complementary and Functional Medicine and over 25 years practicing Ayurvedic Health Care. More recently Quantum Medicine (BAH), Biomagnetism and ACMOS.
Dr. Reynolds holds a Masters degree and a Doctor of Philosophy in Nutritional Science, is a graduate of the Open International University of Complimentary Medicine and The New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and holds Diplomat status as an Ayurvedic Health Care Practitioner. Clinical Internship was served under Vaidya P.C. Yawatkar M.D. in Ahmednagar, India. Stow office has a full service Integrative Pancha Karma Clinic. Dr. Reynolds is a graduate of the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry and an active practitioner of B.A.H. (Bioresonance Analysis of Health) and ACMOS (“Analysis of the Compatibility of Matter on the Organism and its Synergy”).
Dr. Reynolds holds certificates of Achievements from The International Society for Psychosomatic Energetics, Perspectives in Nutritional Therapies, New Essentials in Nutritional Medicine, Third and fourth Annual Symposium on Functional Medicine, and 2nd annual International Congress of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. She has served on the advisory board of the World Center for Public Health. Dr. Reynolds maintains affiliations with the American Naturopathic Association, Preventative Medical Association, and American Ayurvedic Association.
Dr. Reynolds practices in Stow, Massachusetts with other gifted Clinicians. Her practice is dedicated to providing an Integration of several Complimentary modalities, primarily Complex Homeopathy, Quantum Medicine and Ayurvedic Practices. Her professionalism and ability to educate her patients is a prime reason that her clients come to her locally as well as from across the country. Also specializing in treatment of the chronically ill, and all those who wish to obtain their divine nature.
Dr. Reynold's passion and future efforts are to work towards creating a more sustainable and ethical health care system using the integration of several complementary modalities and the ancient medical intuitive art of Ayurveda with a primary focus on corporate policy change to facilitate this process. This is the groundbreaking research that she is engaged with for her doctoral dissertation in Vedic Science.
Prior to focusing on her private practice, Dr. Reynolds worked for over 13 years as a National Educational Director, advisor and informational resource to Physicians and Health Care Providers across the country, helping them to understand the complexities of Phytopharmaceuticals and Nutritional Pharmacology and facilitating their ability to integrate these modalities into their practices. She has been affiliated with such companies as, Emerson Ecologics, Murdock Madaus Schwabe, Body Bio Corporation, Great Smokies Laboratory, Allergy Research Group, Doctors Data, Carbon Based, American Compounding Pharmacy, Innovative Medicine and more.
In 2002, while a senior lecturer and Director at East-West Institute of Alternative Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dr. Reynolds created the first yearlong “Integrative Ayurveda” postgraduate course for Health Care providers. This advanced course for Doctors covered such topics as Nutritional Biochemistry, Essential Fatty Acid metabolism, Biological Medicine, Regulation Thermography, Neural Therapy, and attracted world-renowned authorities such as Rudolph Balentine MD, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dan Beilin OMD, and Patricia Kane Ph.D. Dr. Reynolds was a senior lecturer and Professor of Integrative Ayurveda at the Green Mountain Institute for Eastern Studies in Vermont from 2002-2004.