Pancha Karma is the most potent healing modality within Ayurveda.
The Benefits:
*Cleanse the body and mind of disease causing toxins.
*Become resistant to higher levels of stress.
*Feel and look younger.
*Strengthen the immune system.
*Experience deep states of relaxation and bliss.
*Gain greater energy, vitality and mental clarity.
The goal of Ayurvedic practices is to establish the ability to live every aspect of life to its fullest, in complete conscious connection to nature’s infinite intelligence. A good indication of ones health is how we adapt to seasonal changes. Pancha Karma (the science of rejuvenation) sets the momentum for obtaining a life of harmony. Because of the obstacles we have in our culture, such as the 240,000 chemicals in the environment and food supply, EMF and 5G affects on our nervous system Dr. Linda offers an Integrative form of this ancient process, using some of the most advanced technologies to deal with these things that were just not around 5000 years ago.
Cleanse the body, awaken your consciousness
Many of the detoxification programs people try only address one system at a time. If one of the eliminative systems is sluggish, it is almost a guarantee that the other systems are functioning sub-optimally as well. One of the greatest aspects of Integrative Pancha Karma is that it addresses all the systems. Pancha Karma seek to help the person attain wellness through a process that protects the nervous system.
The ideal Integrative Purva Karma/Pancha Karma therapy is done for a minimum of 7 days around the seasonal change. Five of these days in office treatments are preformed; A mono diet of Kitchari prior and during this process. For diagnosis purposes BAH Testing, NES Scan, and Heart Rate variability are done. Additional recommendations could be: Herbal remedies, drainage remedies (alchemy, homeopathic), Sauna, Oxygen facilitation, PEMF, Platinum Energy Foot baths and much more.
Dr. Linda screens each client to see if they even qualify for this process and supports them in drainage therapies first. We Americans are so toxic we would need a month or more of traditional PK treatments to get the results one should get from the process. With integrating quantum therapies this process can be done in a shorter duration of time.
This includes evaluation/assessment each day. Drainage/detox protocol and Five days in office traditional PK treatments such as, Abhyanga, Udvartina, Swedna, Marma, Shirodara and more and Several Quantum therapies are incorporated.
One must Qualify for this full week process. An inake/appointment is done 2-3 weeks in advance with a BAH blood/saliva test to see what one needs to do to prepare for this comprehensive process. Cost of this appointment is not included in week long process.
This includes Ayurvedic head and feet Marma, Garshana, Abhyanga and Swedna. Shirodara is an additional $80. This is also considered the Base treatment for Traditional Purva Karma, all other additional treatments are done as addons. Great way to keep VATA in check.
Addons include: Nasya, Udvatina, Pinda Swedna, Pishinchhala, Foot Castor oil Salt scrub, Airnergy, and Quantum modalities. This is available on an ongoing basis with Dr. Linda and her Ayurvedic Technician.
This includes Ayurvedic head and foot Marma . If done with base treatment it is an add on for $80. For 23 min session. If longer time is required add $1 per min
Marmas are part of a greater "sacred philosophy" that maps out the body according to subtle energy currents and power points. Marma's serve as switches that connect vital organs, subtle nerves, energy centers, vessels, and joints. This process takes about 2 hours and is done with the above Base Treatment.
Because we live in a very toxic culture most people do not qualify to do PK. If you go to India they will tell you to stay in a Cave for 30 days before you can even proceed with PK. And if one doesn't prepare you probably will not benefit fully in the process. This is why Dr. Linda integrates many Quantum Modalities such as NanoVi, Airnergy, Tuning forks, PEMF, Foot baths, Sauna, Polychromatic lights, Magnetex, Cupping, ACMOS and whatever it takes.
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