The ACMOS method is a specialty therapy to balance a person's energetic field and reestablish proper body alignment. This approach combines the principles of ancient traditional medicine with modern molecular biology. ACMOS stands for “Analysis of the Compatibility of Matter on the Organism and its Synergy“. Energetic imbalance that is deeply rooted within the body is often the cause of physical illness and symptoms. The ACMOS method began over 25 years ago, started by Dr. Rene Naccachian in France.
This process of assessment represents a new approach to healing and illness based on the ancient science of Ayurveda and more recent work by Anthropologist Rudolph Steiner. Dr. Reimar Banis, a medical doctor from West Berlin developed the Reba Device, a polyfrequency spectrum testing device that can identify energy blockages, emotional conflicts, and geopathic stress. A blocked energy flow is often the main cause of disturbed metabolism in a segment or region of the body, which can lead to illness. Once diagnosed by the Reba device, specific homeopathic compound remedies are given to unravel these conflicts. These protocols are very easy to follow, and over the course of treatment, many people experience the elimination of physical symptoms.
NES-HEALTH Is the work of Harry Massey and Professor Peter Fraser. This system includes the miHealth and BioEnergetiX WellNess system and Infoceuticals which is a new breed of liquid energetic remedies with information imprinted and encoded in water. This is called "Structured Water".
This system is the study an application of information and energy in living systems. We call this the Human Body field. This field serves as the master control system for all of our physiological functions. The BWS works by detecting and correcting the flow of energy and information in the body field and provides recommendation protocols that activate the body's innate healing ability. ASSESS, REJUVENATE, RE-PRINT AND REMOTE SCANNING.
Dr. Linda can create a personalized cleansing and rejuvenation program based in Ayurvedic Medicine. The most potent healing modality within Ayurveda is called Pancha Karma. If your body is ready for it, Dr. Linda will guide you through this beautiful journey. The benefits: *Cleanse the body and mind of disease causing toxins.
*Become resistant to high stress.
*Feel and look younger.
*Strengthen the immune system. *Experience deep relaxation and bliss.
*Strengthen energy, vitality and clarity.
If your body needs a more gentle approach, Dr. Linda can recommend other Ayurvedic treatments, such as Marma Therapy, that also yield profound results.
In 1952, the German physician Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg formulated Homotoxicology, developed from homeopathy. Homotoxicology says that "diseases" are the body combating poisons that it wants to neutralize and excrete. Homotoxicology, like Ayurveda, looks at the body’s wellness state at six levels: Excretion phase, Accumulation phase, Reaction/Inflammation phase, Exacerbation/Provocation phase, Deposition phase, and Overflow/Neoplastic phase. Anti-homotoxic remedies are homeopathic formulations, designed for subtle excretion, used to lower the burden of toxicity and improve function of a specific organ or system that is burdened by activating defense mechanisms.
The BioResonance Analysis of Health Medical System is a comprehensive diagnostic and evaluation tool for the 21st century. Drawing on 20 years of research, 10 years of clinical application, and the past 100+ years of award winning scientific discoveries in such fields as quantum mechanics and advanced cell-biology, this innovative system enables the medical practitioner to both analyze a patient and construct highly tailored and comprehensive programs of treatment that repeatedly yield extraordinary results. Using "science's best kept secret", all of this is possible... and requires just a single drop of blood.
Airnergy (Active Air) is a non-invasive oxygen therapy. It utilizes a specialized device to continually convert oxygen in the air (triplet oxygen) into an active form of oxygen (singlet oxygen) that the body more easily absorbs. Clinical experience has shown that Airnergy may be used for a number of conditions and issues, and that the benefits include:
*Facilities and optimizes the oxygen utilization of cells and tissues.
*Improves the circulation process and reduces the heart rate with better physical performance.
*Regulates the autonomic nervous system
*Helps to maintain the shorter resting pulse.
*Helps recovery after exertion by reducing lactic acid build-up
*Improves stamina and strength
The Magnetex device is a powerful multipolar magnetic and vibrational technology. It gently balances the entire body by emitting a unique magnetic vortex that can pull dangerous toxic substances from the cells and tissues, which the body then excretes through its usual elimination channels.
Detoxification relieves the strain on every system, thus allowing the body to begin repair and function properly. The release and elimination of toxins helps alleviate pain. Tests have proven beneficial changes in heart, brain, blood, and energy field readings.
What can Magnetex can pull from the body?
InLight Medical offers a non-invasive treatment that utilizes visible blue light, red light, and near infrared light wavelengths to promote wellness and healing. This gentle, pulsing LED light increase circulation to relieve pain and rejuvenate the entire body. Although gentle, silent and cool to the touch, low-level light therapy is naturally effective on a cellular level. And unlike other types of pain reduction techniques, not only does light therapy relieve pain, it also addresses the underlying condition by stimulating the body’s innate healing abilities. This is an excellent therapy to do for detoxification and renewal.
Intense Detoxification in a relaxing 30min Foot Bath
In the Platinum Energy Foot Bath, toxins (internal and external) are able to detach from the cell membranes and out detoxification points through the feet. Once the toxins are detached from the cell membrane they are once again free to be moved by the extracellular fluid. The liver and kidneys can now remove more of the toxins as well, reducing the load on the rest of the systems. The cells and the intercellular fluid are now restored to normal function. With the cell in a much healthier state and with the increased metabolic energy, it can begin to function properly and do any repairs that may be required. This detox foot bath is an efficient way to reduce the burden on the body and feel better.
**NOW Available for Lease and Purchase through our office!
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields influence cell behavior by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell. Improved blood supply increases the oxygen pressure, activating and regenerating cells. Improved calcium transport increases absorption of calcium in bones and improves the quality of cartilage in joints, decreasing pain dramatically. Acute and even chronic pain -also caused by osteoporosis- may disappear completely.
There are many scientific studies on the degree of effectiveness of Pulsed Magnetic Field therapy. It was found that disturbances in blood circulation and in metabolism play a key role in the development of diseases. Application of pulsed electro magnetic energy is based on more than 30 years of worldwide research carried out by renowned scientists. In addition there are many years of practical experience by thousands of physicians.
For more info on this technology
Click Link Below:
Do you want to strengthen your immune system, increase your vitality, and slow the aging process?
Eng3's patented NanoVi™ technology produces the same biological signal your body makes to repair cell damage brought on by free radicals (also known as reactive oxygen species or ROS).
The signal from the NanoVi™ device supplements the ones your body makes naturally.
The problem is, if you don't make enough of the signal necessary to repair all the damage caused by free radicals, oxidative stress accumulates. And when free radicals and oxidative stress have the upper hand, you lose.
**NOW Available for Lease and Purchase through our office!
Click link below for more info on NanoVi™ technology
tDCS = Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and is a form of neurostimulation.
Neurostimulation also known as neuromodulation where very low levels of constant current are delivered to specifically targeted areas of the brain, often producing profound results. It was originally developed to help patients with brain injuries such as strokes, however tests on healthy adults demonstrated that tDCS can increase cognitive performance on a variety of tasks, depending on the area of the brain being stimulated. Scientific studies have shown that tDCS has the ability to enhance language and mathematical ability, attention span, problem solving, memory, and coordination. In addition, tDCS has also been documented as having impressive potential to treat depression, anxiety, PTSD, as well as chronic pain.
**NOW Available for Lease and Purchase through our office!
miHealth Sessions
MiHealth device What is it?
TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) TENS stimulates skin wound healing and tendon repair, as well as the viability of random skin flaps. Such effects may be due to the release of SP and CGRP, which would increase blood flow and, consequently, hasten the events of tissue repair.
Scenar (self controlled energo-neuro adaptive regulator) SC = Self controlled establishes a biofeedback connection with the body when in use, constantly changing and adapting the properties of the applied electric impulses, in response to the reactions it measures from the body. EN= Energo Neuro Based on electric impulses of a specific shape: these shapes are patterned after the natural impulses of the human body. AR = Adaptive regulator The unit not only provides direct therapeutic effects, but also actvates the natural defenses of the body. By adjusting voltage potentials of the cells so they have the energy for their own innate healing capabilities.
PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field therapy) Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields influence cell behavior by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell. Improved blood supply increases the oxygen pressure, activating and regenerating cells. Improved calcium transport increases absorption of calcium in bones and improves the quality of cartilage in joints, decreasing pain dramatically. Acute and even chronic pain -also caused by osteoporosis- may disappear completely.
Metabolic testing is for assessing Biochemical Individual metabolic disorders.
This process is based on solid science and is meant to correct a disturbance in ones basic chemical processes. It is meant to be used to correct the imbalances that lead to many conditions and diseases.
Once the imbalance has been corrected or during the process one is expected to make the Life style changes one needs to keep the work sustainable. This would require cleaning up the diet, eating for the season and eating with regularity. Keeping with the concepts of Bioresonance of Health (BAH), which covers the emotional, spiritual, energetic and genetic issues that have a greater role in why things go wrong in the first place.
Restoring Balance to our Metabolic control systems increases our adaptive capacity:
Better resistance to disease, Better ability to handle stress, Better Vitality, Slow the process of aging.
P3 Pro
Pulsed Technologies proudly presents the new plasma systems capable of running frequencies over 600,000 Hz, PURE PLASMA, unlike other manufacturers there are NO RF (Radio Frequency), NO modulation, NO carrier waves that may cause harmful interference. Years and years of research & development have gotten us to develop these new systems and make them available to you at affordable prices. The new high efficiency plasma generation system runs cool so the unit runs quiet for long periods of times without being bothered by the noisy fans.
The proprietary tube mixture, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon offers the best spectrum emission as possible that you can benefit from a plasma tube. These four noble gases complete each other and mixed in a manner that maximum output is achieved.
The same Technology as the P3Pro in a compact unit that works with two direct contact leads to emit the appropriate frequencies directly to the body.
The PFG2Z is the best sold function (frequency) generation device. Some people know this devices as rife device, rife generator, frequency generator
As it’s name says, the PFG2Z is a Precise Function Generator capable of going up to 10 MHz and with arbitrary waveform selection.
The output is rock steady, even on high frequencies (above 1 MHz), where most of other devices fail on generating a strong and stable signal.
*NOTE Product is no longer available for sale but is available for lease here at the Integrative Health & Well Being Center.
VSG-The VitaSet Generator
The VitaSet Generator (VSG) utilizes DDS, Direct Digital Synthesis, to provide precision access to all five of the primary Schumann frequencies in “daytime/active mode”.
It also provides an entrainment technology via the “nighttime/sleep mode” to assist the user reach that ideal deep delta sleep state so important to natural health and mental well-being. The combination of these feature’s incorporated within the PulsedTech instruments help provide the user capabilities far beyond the scope of other seemingly similar devices.
Dr. Linda's initial consultation usually takes no less than 1.5 - 2 hours. Any other treatments and diagnostic tools (including B.A.H. blood test) provided during the first appointment are not included in the appointment fee.
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One drop of blood or Saliva sample is all you need to know everything about the body. Kits are sent out prior to appointment.
This scan can be done at home through the portal through Voice. The Scan includes the evalutaion/review of results. Usually done in conjunction with BAH.
This includes the initial test and a 1/2 hour appointment. Follow up testing for a discounted price may be required.
This process finds significant emotional blockages, testing is done with Brain wave measurement using REBA device. Once emotional issue is found, complex homeopathy is used to dissolve it.
BioMagnetism is a fairly new science that is based on very old biochemical laws and the laws of polarity. A physician named Isaac Goiz developed the method called “Biomagnetism”. This method empowers the body to eradicate numerous viral infections, harmful bacteria, fungus, parasites and many other syndromes. The process rectifies the pH of the body in the areas these organisms reside. Once this happens the organisms are driven out and they die off.
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Testing and treatment (this process may take 15 minutes minimum up to an hour)
30 minute treatment. Combination treatment packages available.
30 minute treatment. This is oxygen facilitation.
Depending on how long you need treatment, pricing may vary. Footbaths, airnergy, and light therapy may be combined for a discounted treatment package.
Leasing of equipment available.
Lowers Oxidative Stress, see above description
Whole body revitalize session. See description above. There are also many other types of sessions with this device which typically costs $3.00 per min
The Magnetex device is a powerful multipolar magnetic and vibrational technology. It gently balances the entire body by emitting a unique magnetic vortex that can pull dangerous toxic substances from the cells and tissues, which the body then excretes through its usual elimination channels.
Discounts may be applied.
PFG2Z unit available for leasing.
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